
class pyscandl.modules.Pyscandl(fetcher, chapstart=1, output: str = '.', pdf: bool = True, keep: bool = False, image: bool = False, all: bool = False, link: str = None, manga: str = None, download_number: int = 1, chapend=0, quiet: bool = False, skip: int = 0, tiny: bool = False)

The main object of the program. It is responsible of the downloads and controls the fetchers for you.

__init__(fetcher, chapstart=1, output: str = '.', pdf: bool = True, keep: bool = False, image: bool = False, all: bool = False, link: str = None, manga: str = None, download_number: int = 1, chapend=0, quiet: bool = False, skip: int = 0, tiny: bool = False)

Initialize this instance of the pyscandl downloader, it needs either manga or link to work.

  • fetcher – fetcher object related to the download
  • chapstart (int/float/str) – first chapter to be downloaded
  • output (str) – output folder
  • pdf (bool) – tell if the result should be kept as a pdf
  • keep (bool) – tell if the result should be kept as a pdf and as a collection of images
  • image (bool) – tell if the result should be kept as a collection of images
  • all (bool) – download all the chapters that are available after chapstart
  • link (str) – link of the manga to download
  • manga (str) – identification tag of the manga (see every fetcher for their different variations)
  • download_number (int) – number of chapters to download
  • chapend (int/float/str) – chapter to end the download on, if non exstant the download will stop once the next to download chapter number is greater than it
  • quiet (bool) – should the program not output any information about what it is doing in the console
  • skip (int) – number of images to skip on the first chapter being downloaded (useful if running in image mode)
  • tiny (bool) – should the name of every downloaded scan be minified and only include the chapter number and the chapter title

Fetching all the images of the chapter and storing them in RAM.


Downloading all the images of the chapters and storing them where the output was specified.


Creates the pdf at the output location with the fetched or the downloaded images of the current chapter.

Raises:EmptyChapter – the images of the current chapter were all blacklisted images and the pdf was empty

Make Pyscandl go to the asked chapter.

Parameters:chap_num (int/str/float) – chapter number that was asked for

Goes to the next chapter


Does the full download process with what is specified when initializing the Pyscandl object